Monday, May 24, 2010

Bird found dead on patio?

What kind of a bird is small and grayish in color . Almost a neon yellow center / sides. It was found dead , upside down on a patio. Seems like a strange way for a bird to die ?
It probably died after hitting a window. Place some bird warning stickers on the windows so the birds won't fly into it. Some of the stickers are basically clear so you waon't have to worry about aesthetics. It sounds like a finch.
Maybe it flew into a window..?

sorry don't know the kind.
He probably flew into your glass door! Don't worry - it was a quick death!
Got patio doors?? Check out the glass when the sun is shining on them - I've had a few birds fly into mine and just seem to drop dead on the patio. I think they crash into the glass and literally die of the shock.
collision with window. Happens all the time.
id call your local police station/animal control and tell them to take the bird, it could have the avian bird flu so stay away from it.
Sounds like a yellow finch.
Most animals are belly up at death, not sure why.
A cat may have killed it, or maybe it broke its neck flying into a window.
birds die everyday by various mean: starvation, predation, accidents (flying into a glass window), etc...
post a pic of the dead bird and then ask Y!A for identification.
He probably flew into the glass door.
Stop using windex.
Awwwwwwww how sad =(. Maybe a canary they can be green and yelowish
Don't know what kind of bird it is, but birds die all the time. It could have died of old age, being stung by a nasty critter, killed by another bird, mauled by another animal (cat, dog...), crashed into something, died of dehydration, died of a disease...etc.
Patio door or window...It happens...they fly right into it.
As far as what kind...You can look up your area and see what your wildlife is around your area. You can also look up yahoo photo images and see photos...Hard to tell you with the little info included.
he flew into the window/door prob.;...
almost sounds like a male finch. may have flown into a window--lots of birds die that way. may want to put decals or maybe tape some papers to the window so they can see it
sorry to say, but how about asking that in the bird section?
you're in the fish section

It sounds like a goldfinch from your description. It could have bonked into the glass of a window or maybe a cat got it and left it for dead. You never know, it could have been diseased so dispose of it promptly, avoiding touching it.
It probably flew into your window. My grandmother used to have super-clean windows and birds would fly into them daily. Some would be fine, others would kill themselves. With regards to your bird, I have no idea what kind of bird it is.
It most likly flew into a window and broke its neck and fell to the ground on its back.
As for what kind? you could do a google search of birds in the area in which you live.
I don't know what kind of bird it is, but I'd contact your local health department. Birds (especially dead ones) can spread diseases like West Nile. It's better to let the professionals handle it.
Sounds like a goldfinch, maybe a cat got it and was chased of or as others have suggested it could have flown into the window.
Sounds like a finch. And it's not at all unusual, it struck a pane of glass, broke it's neck, and fell backwards, dying immediately. Unfortunately it happens quite often.
The bird could be a sparrow. Probably flew into the window, and broke its neck. That happens fairly often....this is not bird flu, stupid people always think the worst.
It could be a yellow winged tanager. Here is a picture of one.
It fainted when it saw your door.