Saturday, May 22, 2010

Asian arowana ..?

Member since: July 29, 2007
Total points: 77 (Level 1)
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S AROWANA....jon v?
voilet fusion super red arowana 1800us$---spoon head voilet super red arowana 2200us$ -- chilli red arowana 700us$ ---red tail gold arowana250us$ .wich should i chose and the prisecs are to mouch diffrant and do u think they r really difrant like this.. and all have cirtifict dintety
If I was in your place, my choice would be the Chili Red. I honestly think these violet supers are just malaysian blues crossed with super reds myself, I just can't find any documentation on it. All pics I've seen on one, that is my first guess though. Chili Reds are very very nice, and the only other red I feel, in my opinion, is the Super and Blood Red's. At $700.00, if you have your microchip documents, I'd say you are paying for a Grade A fish and would be a good deal. I did follow up with you on email and answered the other question :)
If you need more help, check out fishless or use the link on my profile.
Thanks you Evelyn and Copperhead passing me the links, I was out and back now