i have a 30 gallon tank with 3 dempseys, a pleco and a catfish thats white and black striped and looks like a Synodontis Decorus Catfish. ok so i figure that around christmas i'll buy a new tank. im wondering what size. i was thinking of a 55, 65 or even maybe a 100 gallon. where could i get tanks that big? aand i want more fish once i get that new tank. what other fish could i get? thanks
it sounds like you are realy into growing your tank space with lots of fish .One word of advice if you are buying large tanks You can house more fish in the same gallons of water if the tank is wider and longer (surface space ) Tanks that are tall but not as wide or long but hold the sane number of gallons can house less fish.
Get the biggest that you have the room and funds for.
I would first look on craigslist or your local newspaper to see if anyone's selling big tanks in your area. They're usually pretty cheap there. Also, check out Ebay to see if there are any in your area for sale (that's where I got my 58 gal. tank). If you didn't find any on those places, you should expect to pay a LOT more for a new tank. Almost any pet store has a selection of large tanks--I would get the biggest you can, especially with the dempseys. If you think about it, the only extra expense really is the extra cost of the size of the tank--but essentially, once you get it going, a 55 gallon tank costs the same to maintain as a 100. I would get the largest you can--you can add more fish and play around with the landscaping better that way. I don't know much about the fish you have, but dempseys are aggressive, so you could probably add Oscars or similar sized fish--remember to not overstock though. Good luck!
Check for pet stores that specialize in aquatic pets and especially those who focus on reef tanks. They should be able to sell you any size tank you want, or at least tell you where you can find one. I'd also talk to them about trade ins to keep your costs down if your present tank setup is still in good condition.
Once you get past 50 gallons, you're talking walls, and not just fish tanks, haha. I'm going to assume that you're in a hours and not an apartment, but either case, make sure you check the weight and keep this sucker on an exterior wall, or one located near a main support to better support the weight. (My mother's 65 gallon tank caused her floor to sag - (almost 1000 pounds for the tank, stand and all the equipment that went with it).
Beyond that, I'd look at going bigger so you don't have to up sizes again later. Get the dimensions for what you think would be big enough for you to work with and expand on but not so big as to be overwhelming and hard to keep up with. If the upkeep isn't as enjoyable to you as watching those gorgeous catfish (I love the Decorus), it's not worth it.
Good luck!
Check your local pet store that deals with aquariums to see what tanks they have in stock or could possibly order for you. As for the fish, check the link below to find freshwater and saltwater species that you seek for your specific tank size once you get it.
I think your best bet at this point is to go to the place you got these fish. If you ordered online, and there are not sellers in your immediate area, then your only recourse of action is to order online. I hesitate to say order tanks of that size online though. Shipping costs will be higher due to weight and handling. You're better off buying locally even if you have to drive a little bit. Lower prices becuase no shipping, and you handle the tank yourself and not rely on someone else.
For a 100 gallon tank, your best bet would be to have your local fish store order it for you. This guarantees an intact delivery and a safer price.
Your Catfish is a Striped Raphael Catfish. http://animal-world.com/encyclo/fresh/ca...
Unfortunately, each Dempsey will get about 10 inches long, so if you get a 100 gallon tank, you are already full. Do to the fishes' waste output (Dempseys and Plecos), and vicious aggression (Dempseys). With those fish, you really can't keep too much else without it getting eaten. Email me if you have any more questions.
EDIT: Oscars are not nearly as aggressive as Jack Dempseys and will soon be torn apart.