Monday, May 24, 2010


will theses two fish get along explain
Yes, they will generally do just fine together for several reasons.
First, both fish you asked about are quite peoceful towrds other fish species and tolerate other fish in their tanks well.
Second, Plecos are bottom fish while bettas are top water fish, this means in a normal tank situation they will not interact often at all.
The main thing for you to be aware of really is the fact that a common pleco will grow to about a foot long in an aquarium environment and that requires a very large tank indeed. Far better would be a few small oto cat fish. They are the smallest of plecos and will still do just as well with your betta
Feel free to email me if I can help further of follow the link in my profile.
yes, they will
Yes. I have had both of them for months and there are no quarrels. They leave each other alone, but if they do cross paths against food, my betta might puff up, but my Pleco scares away all my fish when he swims really fast around the food. Basically bettas have better things to do like sleep and eat than search and look for a pleco hidden somewhere in the plants or rocks or decorations.

****Beware of the large, beautiful, common brown ones. We bought a brown one Golaith after we bought the gray one Davey and first they were fine, then Golaith started growing and he went from 3 to 7 inches and he was pooping all over the tank and getting too big so we gave Goliath away to a friend from work that had big plecos and large tanks.