Wednesday, July 29, 2009

5gallon tank?

What are some good algea eaters for a five gallon i was thinking of a pleco (dont tell me they huge to fast ive had one in a 20gallon for a while and its barely grown ) but what would be best?
If you have a heater and a filter, try an otocinclus
Plecos are great as long as you don't have goldfish. Goldfish produce so much ammonia that it can kill bottom feeders.
A common pleco will get way too big. People aren't just joshing you when they tell you that. Yours may not be too big yet, but it will be.
Anyway, an otocinclus is what I have in my 5-gal. He keeps it nice and clean, and they only get to be an inch and a half long.
try a oto or i think they are called octucila affinis or something like that. They are only 1.5inch.
Your pleco didn't grow because the tank was to small and you stuntet his growth, they need to be in at least a 40 gallon
any cory cat that doesn't get bigger then 2 inch

hope that helps
good luck

how many guppys and gouramis do you have because you shold only have one gourami and 2 or 3 guppies or else your tank is over populated and you cant put a bottom feeder but put a corycat or 2 if you have that number of fish in you tank
Otocinclus catfish are best.
Don't get Chinese Algae Eaters; although they feed on algae when young, they will latch on to your other fish when they are older and leech off their slime coat, killing them.