Friday, July 31, 2009

Any Cool Freshwater Fish Recommendations?

I'm new to this fish stuff. But so far I have 6 tiger barbs, 3 zebra somethings and 3 gold swordtail fish and of course the algea fish eater. In a month I plan on getting a bala shark, any other fish you might recommend to me? I have a 60 gallon tank.
You have zebra danios probably. ;)
Do the tiger barbs nip at the swordtails or the danios?
You can try red tailed sharks, pictus catfish, gouramis, cherry barbs, rasboras, or platies. Bala sharks are shoaling fish and they get pretty big and might eat the swordtails or the danios.
oscars are cool, they even learn who you are and will learn to eat from your hand.
I think your tank is going to be pretty crowded with the fish you already have.
Your tank sounds full, if you get anymore they will either die or get eaten by your territorial fish, like your barbs!
Check out the compatibility chart at under Fresh water fish species. It is a perfect tool to figure out what fish can be put with which other ones. There is tons of info for the beginner on this site.
Angel Fish are a good sturdy fish, just stay away from the all black ones they seem to be more sensative but the other ones are pretty sturdy. They should ge along well with your other fish.
i would leave the bala out, they like to school and they will get over a foot each.
they will need at least 125 gallon for a school.
But try looking into african butterfly fish, they are smaller and fine in a 60, look cool. is a predator but more timid.
Also look into a gourami, they will be a nice addition as the center piece of the tank.
Your tank is stocked with the bala shark they grow 12"
DONT GET AN OSCAR he will eat the rest of the first, try smaller fish under 8" do a google search on the fish first before you go off buying it.