Thursday, July 30, 2009

Angelfish question...?

can anyone who knows anything about angelfish please say something?i need to know the best food to feed them with,how much fry do they have,and is it ok to have 10 mollies with 2 angelfish in a 10 gallon?thanks
Wow... what you need is alot of information there, far too much for a single answers post. I'll touch on the basics and you can feel free to email me or ue the link in my profile to get additional info on angels.
First, a pair of angels needs a 30 gallon or larger tank to be comfortable.
They can be fed flake or pellet foods as a staple, but meaty frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp and daphnia are alos needed in their diet.
Generally a good pair of angels will produce on average around 200-250 eggs in a single spawning.
Again, feel free to email me or follow the link in my profile.
Food: a quality flake food will be fine
Fry: They lay hundreds of eggs at a time but are difficult to raise due to their small size at hatching. You need cultures of baby brine shrimp and a rearing tank to accomplish this
The two Angels are more than a 10 gallon tank can handle let alone the Mollies. I would say maybe 3 Mollies tops would be ok (but not with the Angles)
Shay, you are already overstocked. Although the Angelfish might be small now, they grow quite big and require at least a 20-30 gallon tank, preferably tall.
I would either give up the two angelfish and get other fish or get a larger tank. Definitely do not add any more fish as it is.