Friday, July 31, 2009

Aquarium heaters?

While draining water from my tank i forgot to turn the heater off and the water line went below the heater.
I was out of room for 10 min when i came back in and smelled burning, i switched heater off but it is burning hot, will it be ok to use or will i have to buy a new one
i would leave it till it it cools down, dont put it in water or it will break.
once it cools down look at it for cracks.
if there is none then it might be ok to use
look to see if theris any cracks or if the heater is damaged if its not then fine to use
in a simple case with electronics and water, all i can say its better safe that sorry. if you smell burning and it feels hot, then i wouldnt risk it, i would risk killing myself or my fish just for the pence that a new heater would cost.
my advice, replace it to be on the safe side, it isn't worth the risk
so you switched it off and it is cool now - put it in a bucket full of water and then plug it in to test the integrity of the the glass. if your house mains don't trip off then the water heater should be fine - remember to switch off and let it be for ten minutes before transferring it to the tank , when its in the tank let it be for 10 minutes before plugging it in .