Thursday, July 30, 2009

Adding fish to my tank?

I have 3 questions about adding fish to my tank:
1.How many fish can I add to the tank at a time?
2.How long should I wait before adding more fish?
3. Should I add smaller fish or larger fish first?
Any help would be appreciated!
you should at least have a 20 gallon tank for all of your fish you listed .
1. you can get 1or 2 fish the first time,but after that you can add 2or3 fish at a time.
2. you should wait about 7 days before adding your fish.
3. the small fish should be added first
can you tell me how many gallons in the tank.this is a stupid question,thx for 2 points
You should ask these questions from the aquarium shop where you buy your fish.
it depends on wat type of fish you have
I'de ask the person at the pet store
i dont there is any difference
We need to know how many fish you have, how big they are, how large your tank is, etc. The general rule is one inch of fish per gallon of water in your tank. Since some fish are schooling fish and others are "loners" it's hard to say how many fish to add to a tank at one time.
Do a little research on the net. Remember, some fish will not get along together, so chose wisely. Also, think about how big the fish will get, and ensure your tank and community can handle that.
Umm depends how big your tank is and you can only have certain fish go with other fish. So maybe you should pick your favorite fish maybe two of them and if you like them then add more fish.
1 add as many as the the tank can hold one gallon an inch when fully grown.
2 doesn't mater when ever you get them
3your preference i like smaller watching them grow into bigger
You can add as many fish in a tank at a time but more will fit if you do not add water. Water composes of mass and density, thus resulting in an area where less fish can be stored. Second, fish love flopping around and getting exercise. It enables them to be able to keep fit. Last, if you ever get hungery late at night, you will be able to have some food at the reach of your fingertips. I hope I helped.
fish can surive in huge numbers in a small tank but you should only get an amout that is pleasing to you try to keep them about the same size and keep an eye on them thay somtimes take lumps out of each other go to a good shop and im sure the man or women there will help you thay all seem to have a keen intrest in the job
1.How many fish can I add to the tank at a time?
It really depends on the size of the tank. a normal sized bowl would best best for 6-1 fish.6-20 fish for a big but not to big tank. 4-1 fish for a small size tank.
2.How long should I wait before adding more fish?
You don't have to wait; you could just put them all in BUT, you must put the bag the fish for in in the bowl with water for 20-60 mins before letting them go in the tank for the fish to get use to the water temp.
3.Should I add smaller fish or larger fish first?
you can put any in first because it doesn't really matter.
a simple rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish for 1 gallon of water, # 2 and 3 tie in together, you need to know how big the fish will get you want them to be able to grow and some fish you will need to get in pairs like clown fish. and some types of fish are more aggressive to others, watch them before you buy them and ask the clerk how they act towards other types.
all of them
larger fish
1. You can keep 1-2 in of fish per gallon, and as for adding to an existing tank, as many as will fit at a time -- letting them get fully acquainted with temp. before dumping them into the tank.
2. I usually wait a week or so to add new fish so that I know the ones I just put in are doing well and have not developed Ick. Never add new fish to a tank where another fish has recently had Ick without sterilizing the WHOLE tank, and quarantining the fish.
3. It is not about the size but rather the sensitivity of the fish. You should let more sensitive fish acclamate before adding new ones or do your best to set up the tank to the way a sensitive fish will like it best before adding one into an existing community.
Sensitive fish are tetras and fish without scales, among others. From experience tetras especially.
Add a couple of the hardiest fish first. Then you need to let your tank cycle for a couple weeks to let the bacteria levels increase to cope with the amount of waste the fish produce. Add a couple small ones at the very beginning. Each time you add fish to your tank you will get an increase in ammonia levels till the bacteria multiply to break down the waste. Test you water every couple days and do frequent waters changes during the time you are stocking your tank to keep these levels in check. Don't add more than two small fish or one large one at a time or you will over load your tank and you will be doing water changes every day. One inch of fish (not including the tail) per gallon of water is the rule.