Friday, July 31, 2009

Aquarium newbie advice?

I'm thinking of getting a small aquarium. I'm an experienced pet owner but I've never owned fish before. my wife got me a really pretty betta which i keep on my desk at work and he got me thinking I'd like to get an aquarium.
how do i get started
I'm a beginner so nothing too complicated
Small apartment so nothing too big
My wife likes colourful/pretty fish
I like strange and unusual
Aquariums are not hard to keep, as long as you know the basics. The easiest to keep is a 55 gallon, but it sounds like you would prefer a smaller version. No matter which tank size you buy, you will need lights and a filter, gravel (usually 1 1/2 pounds per gallon, i.e., a 10 gallon would take 15 lbs). I like backings on my tank (pictures) and there are many natural scenes to choose from at your local pet dealer. If you want tropical fish, you will need a heater, and depending on the fish, I keep my tanks at between 75 and 82 degrees. Make sure that after you set up your tank, you let it cycle for at least two weeks, a month is better, before you add too many fish. Betas are hardy and would do well. You need to get your biological filter up and running; Your biological filter is friendly bacteria that render harmless any fish waste products that will produce the ammonia harmful to fish. Live plants will help 'cycle' the tank more quickly, and they help prevent algae.
You will have to stick with smaller variety fish--your beta is perfect--make sure any others will stay small! Loaches may be fun to watch, and tiny when you buy them, but some can grow to be several feet long! Betas are compatable with most other 'community' fish, just not another male beta. Neon tetras are flashy, as are many types of tetras. Make sure you don't buy the smallest ones, because they are easily stressed, and can die for no apparent reason. Dwarf gouramis are pretty, and a fun fish. These are all freshwater.
I feed my fish twice a day, no more than they can eat in 3 to 5 minutes. I feed them frozen food in the morning, and flake at night--it helps them to remain healty, and makes their colours bright.
Lastly, please get a water test kit. You can only really know your tank is ready for fish if you can test the water, and then you should test on a regular basis. You will need to test at least for ph and ammonia. The smaller tanks are a little harder to keep stable, but it can be done with regular water changes (only about 25% once or twice a week). ('Bog log' is decorative wood that you can put in your tank to help keep it stable.) Get a siphon and vaccum the gravel when you change the water. It will only take a few minutes with a small tank. Make sure when you replace the water, that the temperature is similar, and it is conditioned with a dechlorinator. I know this can sound complicated, but it really isn't. Just take it a step at a time, and your fish will love you for it! There is nothing more eye-catching than a well cared for tank with happy, healthy fish! Good luck!
how about a ten gallon tank? put ur betta in, and add a few other fish( guppies with small fins perhaps?) . or you can buy a divider ( so you dont wake up finding 2 dead bettas)and get another betta and watch em flare =D BTW, aquariumqueen, since he has a betta, it might be best to buy short finned not so fancy guppies since bettas sometimes misate them for other bettas and start chasing them. getting 2 bettas and a divider would be less cpstly since guppies like to be in groups and bettas have a labrinth so they dont need an air pump ;)
If you are a beginner I would NOT get a saltwater aquarium, even though they are pretty they are very hard to look after. I would go to your local pet store and buy a tank that suits your home and is a reasonable size. Look for the most colourful / unusual fish you can find without going too expensive.
; )
well i have a 10 and i have mollies and platys which are livebears. they are pretty and fancy male guppies are awesomly colored. they are pretty hardy fish. a few plastic plants, heater, filter and eventully a air pump. have fun with it. get to the pet store and take a look. also u can put a betta in with the aqaurium if u get the shorter fined fish!! good luck!