Thursday, July 30, 2009

An Unactive fish?

For some reason my pet fish is unactive.Meaning all he does is eat.I never see him swimming around or anything.He just lays down in my corner until feeding time.Does anyone know whats wrong??
Lonely! Get it a pal!!
Perhaps 陌t's water may be polution. How often do you change water. Then you should change half of water. You can put another one fish.
It could be a number of different things. Your tank may still be cycling and the toxins in the tank are building up. Cycling is the process in which the bacteria that keep your aquarium's water clean and balanced aren't established yet. I suggest you change half your water right now and replace it with water that's been treated with a water conditioner for aquariums. Or your fish could be suffering from a disease. Another possibility may be that the current from your filter is too strong so stays down and rests. Here's a link to a very good and helpful fish site. You can also sign up for free if you want. The people there are very helpful.
Also, I wouldn't put in any other fish until I found out what was wrong with the first one.