Friday, July 31, 2009

Aquarium Decor?

Rather than spending lots of money on bogwood and rocks, is it ok to use the ones that you find on the beach?
I would make sure the wood is not rotten and falling apart and would give them all a good clean and soak in water for a few days.
Thanx for answering :)
I would not use wood that you find on the beach as it might be abit dodgy and its not expensive.
Rocks should be fine just follow the instructions that guppie stole from magic.
You can`t use them sorry
No it's not a good idea to use things you find on the beach as they can have parasites etc even if they look ok. Also something that has been in the sea isn't suitable for a freshwater aquarium as it will be salty. It is just best to buy the decor from an aquarium shop, afterall it's not worth risking harming the fish.
I found a inexpensive way to decorate my child's tank, I take her to the housewares dept in a store and she picks out a couple a vases in different colors but still see through
the glass will not harm the tank, and she can still see her fish when they are (hiding)
yes you can use it but you have to clean it really well.
You really dont want to risk it with the wood but rocks are ok, As long as you test them, Here is how to do it.
To clean them use warm water and a stiff brush to remove any and all materials from the surface of the rock. If the rock gets soft, crumbles and feels sandy, discard that rock. Then soak the rock in a weak beach solution for 30 minutes. 1/4 cup to a gallon of water is enough to kill any remaining pathogens. Rinse very well and allow the rocks to dry well. Now test them.
First, drip a few drops of vinegar on the rock. If you see bubbles or fizzing, discard that rock.
Place each rock in a separate container of water. Just enough water to cover the rock and be sure that the container is quite clean. cover the container. Allow the rock to soak at least over night. The next day carefully check the surface of the water for any oily film or discoloration in the water. If you see either discard the rock.
A rock that passes these tests will be safe for your tank.
~ GG
If you have gone to the expense of buying an aquarium spend a little extra on bogwood and rocks, don't use the ones you can get on the beach they could be contaminated. Why would you want to penny-pinch and put your fish at risk.
Both should be just fine provided you take the correct precautions. With the wood, just make sure it's not rotten as you said and then make sure it's free of debris. I would not use wood from saltwater sources in a freshwater tank as it would leech chemicals into the water for months to come and soaking would only remove them after months of time.
As for the rocks, please see guppie_guys answer, that was copied word for word from my previous answer to this same question. Without the decency of a link or reference I might add.
it all depends on what kind of fish you are looking to get on wether or not you can use that decor. bogwood, im guessing is driftwood. driftwood of any kind in water releases leechins, which will make your ph drop. if you are getting fish that like a lower ph or love living around driftwood, that would be ok, as long as you went through a LONG process of soaking it and testing the water its soaked in, till you know how quickly the ph is dropping. once it starts to slow down it may be added to an aquarium.
On the other hand, rocks or sand from the beach can result in your ph sky rocketing! it all depends on the calcium level. if you are getting fish that like high ph (african cichilds) it would be ok, as long as you disinfect them throughly.
Bogwood isn't that dear anyway, you must be on a tight budget to not afford that. It is 拢7.50 per Kg in my local shop.
I like plants in mine. Fake or real any will do. And small ortaments work well too. I used to have a castle that had holes in it and the fish would swim in and out al the time. Id get somethin like that. Like those shipwrecks.
Guppie Guy answer seems pretty good~
oh wait, he copied it from magicman116?
oops. haha..
No, NEVER use it. You never know where it might come from. It could have came from a place with heave traffic and after you put it in your tank, your going to poison your fish. Plus, it could change your PH, GH and Kh !
Never put anything that's been in the sea into a freshwater tank.