Thursday, July 30, 2009

All my fish are dying what went wrong.?

I have a 46 gallon tank and a 36 gallon tank and all my fish are dying, do to stress, in both tanks. I added aquaplus-dechlorinator to both tanks . It says on the bottle to add 01 cap full for every 10 gallons, I only took out 50% of the water from both tanks, then added 4 cap fulls to each tank. Is it possible I added to much, I ran out of my old dechlorinator and bought a new one, that says it has stress reducing formula in it, that was all the store had. I cleaned the tank and made sure not to affect there bacterial environment and checked all the ph levels to make sure they looked good, The python hose had a lot of algae build up, if that means anything. I have done water changes before and never lost this many fish.the fish didn't start dying till I added the new dechlorinator,maybe I used to much or maybe it's the algae in the python hose. I tried taking out some water and adding fresh water, thinking I put to much dechlorinator. Please Help, I am really confused.
Ask your local pet store experts if they do any water testing. It sounds to me you did everything right and took every precaution. My only further advise would be to next time don't clean them both at the same time, at least you'll have a 'safe' tank to use if this should ever happen again. good luck.
its like fish maybe you bought then from a place that the fish where sick
one thing you can't do is overdose on conditioner. they are non toxic, and you can add as much as you want. but it just wastes money. did you have some kind of dangerous chemical in your hands perhaps?
I'd say do another water change immediately, and read the instructions carefully on the declor. before adding more. Some brands are different amounts.
If you have some stress free, you might put that in too.
Also depends on the size and breed, are you adding a little at a time as you fill the tank? Fast moving fish and big fish suck in that water fast and will burn their gills quick. A quick fix if they have burned gills. is to add several air pumps and get extra oxygen to them real fast.
I doubt the conditioner is the issue. Sounds to me like you did what you should have. The algea on the line is normal and a good thing.
The only thing i can think of is that you may have contaminated the tanks somehow. Make sure you wash everything you used very well and try another water change, about 50%, if you have fish left. Make sure you wash your hands with water only before putting them in the water, thats a very easy way to contaminate the tanks and could have been the problem.
Dechlorinator will not affect fish if you add too much. Also, algae will not hurt your fish, but there may be bacteria growing in your siphon, which could have gotten in the tank creating poor water quality. Or the poor water quality could have come from overstocking, overfeeding, improper water changes and/or cleaning. You say you tested the ph, but did you test the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates? These are what you should be testing for. A large majority of the reason fish get diseases and die is poor water quality. Chances are, your water parameters are not good. The water change was a start. Get a liquid test kit for these three things and see what they read at. You will need to do daily to every other day 20% water changes until you can get your readings back to 0.
Did you add the chlorinated water into the tank before you added the dechlorinator? That's what it sounds like to me. If you did this...try mixing your dechlorinator and your water in a bucket before you add it to the tank--the chlorine is toxic to them and if you didn't get it dechlorinated fast enough, well.that would be rather deadly to the fish.
Something may have contaminated ur water. Same thing happened to me. I had 21 fish in a... i dunno 20 gallon tank or something. And one day, 5 fish were dead. Then, 3 fish bailed and jumped out of the tank. Then 2 got eaten, and then 4 died, then the last 6 either jumped or just died.