Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A question on Zebra Dianos?

I have 2 zebra dianos, and got them because they were only 99cents at the store. I got 2 fish books, and looked up some information, but it really didn't say anything. One of them, is very skinny, but he or she eats. The other one was bigger in the belly area when I first got them. Now it gets bigger and bigger. The other one eats, I have seen it, but she/he is always following the other one around. I did get a little info from the books, they said that males are skinny and females are more rounded. Is this a way of them mating, or is something wrong with my fish?
That sounds very much like you have a male (the skinny one) and a female ( the bigger one) and that he is interested in mating.
All danios are called egg scattering fish. They scatter the eggs over the gravel or substrate and in plants as they spawn. They, like many other fish, are also avid egg eaters, so unless a tank has been especially planned and set up for breeding them, it's highly unlikely you would ever find and eggs or fry.
Danios do not do well in numbers of less than 6 fish. They are a schoaling fish and will tirelessly following each other from one end of the tank to the other. Having less than 6 danios and a tank with less than 36 inches in length for them to swin will create stress and shorten their lifespan.