Thursday, July 30, 2009

Add new fish to a 20G tank already have 2 shubunkins?

I have a 20 G tank and started cycling with two Shubunkin (male and female) each about 2.5 inches long. Now it has been a month since I started and they are doing find. No signals of stress or any thing.
I want to add some other smaller fish that can live in the same
conditions (my water temperature is 31 C and not going lower because of summer season)
Can anyone advice me.
Although your shubunkins are only 2.5 inches now, they'll need much more room than a 20 gallon tank later on. You might not want to add any more fish to the tank. Plus, as these goldfish get bigger, they tend to eat anything that'll fit into their mouths.
With a bigger tank, white clouds would be a better candidate since they are from the same environment area..(cold not tropical) That's the only fish i know thus far that can tolerate thee same temps. But remember you'll need a bigger tank eventually.
That last guy is an idiot. I have 2 shubunkins and a variety of tetras and guppies and mollies. Also have 5 Gouramis. The shubunkins will eat tiny fish so make sure anything you get won't fit in there mouths.