Friday, July 31, 2009

Any tips on lowering my betta's stress level when cleaning his tank?

Every time I clean my betta's tank it seems like he's going to have a heart attack or di from stress! It pains me to see my little fish so afraid! Any tips of how I can make "tank cleanig day" as stress-free as possible for my fish and me?
I used to put net inside the tank for few min so my betta would swim next to it, around it and then slowly would try to fish him out. I would put tank water in a plastic cup and then move him there while cleaning the tank. I would put stress coat in new water as well as few rocks ( small ones ) of tank salt. ( very cheap at the pet store and last forever )
I had 5 gallon tank so I didnt have to change water as often, I put alot of nice plants and other gadgets so it looks nice.
Awww i used to have four betas! their awesome pets. Well..when you put him in a diff bowl fill it with his old water. And when your netting him, be patient. Dont corner him just be gentle, it will help with the transaction. Use warm water when filling his tank, betas love that!!
I take mine out of the tank and put him in a plastic cup (in his tank water), then you can clean away without freaking him out.
I didnt know fish get stressed! Its a $2 fish..just get a new one when this one has a heart attack from his clean tank.
hi so what if it cost only $2 its a pet and some people care about fish there living animals. anyway to your question i would say about getting some stress coat and put that in there about 2 hrs before cleaning the tank its suppost to calm them down while you mess the tank around, netting him and taking him out will stress him more i would leave him and clean around him maybe clean half of tank so he has the other half and then do other half so he can still hide or leave a plant in there so he can hide while you clean. but dont listen to the person who said get a new one if it dies that why i put what i did at the beggining of this answer. fish are pets and are alive as much as us and any other animal. i love my fish and hate it when one gets picked on by the other i remove the bully fish. well any way i hope this helps.
feed him while your cleaning the tank
Try filling a different bowl with water, and put a few food pellots in there. It should only take about 10-15 min. to clean the tank, I think your betta will be fine in there for that long. That's what I do with my betta and he's always calm when it's
"tank cleaning day!"
gently scoop him up in the net and let him stay in the net for a few minutes. Take a opaque plastic cup and fill it with water from the tank so that he cannot see anything. Clean your tank like you usually do and put warm water in. Put a few drops of stress coat in the water depending on your gallon-age and slowly acclimatize your fish to the new water temp. Finally gently let your fish swim out the cup into his new clean home.
It also can help to feed your fish half of his daily food in the cup and half once he is in his clean tank again.
Hope that this helps make tank cleaning day as stress free as possible.
Are you talking about heavy-duty cleaning here? Most of the time, unless you're scrubbing out algae, you just do a partial (twenty to thirty percent) water change, the more often the better. Your fish can stay in the tank, and if you move slowly, your fish should be fine.