Thursday, July 30, 2009

Am I feeding my betta fish correctly?

I've had it for like two months, so I know it can't be bad. I'm feeding it TetraMin tropical granules. Then, somebody else who has a betta fish said that they feed it some type of worms or brine shrimp or something? So I looked that up and there are plenty of these freezed things because I guess betta fish are carnivores. Now I don't want to go changing my fishy's diet too much because I heard that they need consistency, but would it be healthier to add some meat to the diet? He's been fine so far, but I want to give him the best.
bettas actually like variety, if what your feeding him works you certainly can feed him that, but it would be fine if you wanted to get some freeze dried blood worms or something and alternate between them.
I've had TONS of beta fishes. We only ever fed him the little fish pellet things. We never bothered with the worms or brine shrimps, or anything else, and they lived long, healthy lives.
Just feeding him TetraMin is fine, some people do feed beta fish meat, but you don't have to. Don't change your fishes diet too much or it could kill them, and you don't want to do that! I had a beta and fed it TetraMin and it lived for years!
When I bought my beta fish, I asked what I should feed him. There were two choices, and I purchased the better of the two. They are tiny pellets and he is doing just fine. The product is "wardley ESSENTIALS BETTA PREMIUM FOOD"
i've got like 3 bettas and i feed 2 of them tetra bettamin tropical medley and the other 1 pellets cause when i got him the food came with him from the original owner all 3 r doing fine so i don't think you would have to add any meat it seems like you're doin just fine
I would feed my betta on brine shrimp twice a day. I had the siamese fighting fish version, lol.
Below are some helpful links on the care and feeding of bettas as well as a couple of links to the Wikapedia pages about Bettas. The first two links discuss feeding and other issues related to bettas. I hope this helps.
Actually, fish should have a varied diet. Like humans, they wont' get all their vitamins and minerals from one source. I prefer to feed the frozen foods to the freeze dried, but either should be ok. Brine shrimp, bettas love blood worms too!, spirulina flakes, etc. All good stuff for them. Just switch up his food 2-3 times a week.
I think that you should just keep feeding him pellets. He doesn't need to have anything else pellets are fine.
Brine shrimps and bloodworms can be used a few times a week as a treat. I just give it tetra min flakes as it's main diet. But dont' worry, you're doing fine. You can add some blood worms and brine shrimp on top of what you're currently giving him.
I feed my betta a variety of foods. His favourite is frozen blood worms.
I originally fed him betta granules which he was ok with, but once I introduced him to other foods, it's almost impossible to get him to eat the granules anymore. He favours fresh/frozen food much more. So long as the food you're feeding is designed to be nutritionally complete for bettas, there's no need to change it. You might end up with a fish like mine that decides he won't eat the granules anymore!
It's not true that bettas like a consistent diet. There's nothing a betta loves more than a varied diet. You're right; bettas do need lots of protein since they are carnivores.
Bloodworms, mosquito larvae, daphnia, tubifex worms and brine shrimp are just a few of the treats your betta will love. You can get these frozen, freeze-dried or live.
However, these are too rich for your betta to be having them every day. It's recommended to keep your betta on a staple of pellets, with the abovementioned treats maybe two or three times a day.
Here is a good article by RandomWiktor from the UltimateBettas forum (I learned all I know from these guys) about betta nutrition:
Bettas, like all fish, need a varied diet to stay healthy. Here's the different things I feed my bettas: 3 different kinds of Betta pellets, freeze dried bloodworms, frozen bloodworms, frozen daphnia, live brine shrimp, sun dried shrimp, live mosquito larvae. Alternate foods and don't feed the same thing all the time. The more rich foods (like bloodworms and mosquito larva) should be used as a treat or used to condition breeding bettas. Feeding a mashed pea once a week also helps keep their digestive track in order (so does the daphnia).
Try buying a food made just for bettas. I have HBH Betta Bites for his regular feeding and Freeze-Dried Bloodworms for treats. Otherwise, the food you have should be fine. The bloodworms I got were only about $2 for a .17 ounce container, they last forever!