75/90 gallon fish tank for 30 bucks. real or not?
No where in the title does it say fish tank. Its just the glass hood for the top. By the way, if your looking to purchase a 75 or 90 gallon tank online, you need to realize that it a 75 weighs 140 pounds and a 90 weighs 160 pounds. Although you may be able to save $20 by buying it online, expect to spend at least $75 in shipping. Not only is it heavy, but it is fragile too. It would have to be shipped via freight.
It isn't real. It is just the glass top that fits on top of the tank.
If it's amazon. I say it's real. I mean it's not like ebay where it's most liely a used tank...with who knows how many problems.
:edit: OOPS...probably shoulda went to the site first...I went and it's just the top...sorry about the first anwer :edit:
its the glass top but if your asking if its a deal or not consider that by the time it gets to you it will brobably be broken
Sorry, It is just for the top, not a tank.