Can someone please give me some good ideas? I am looking for either 1 big freshwater fish that will be ok in a 55g by itself or 2 medium size fish to in a 55gal by themselves.
To make it harder...this is a planted aquarium w/driftwood.
Convicts or fire mouths would be really happy in that tank although they don't really need that much space.Convicts will produce alot of fry though so if you don't want fry they aren't for you.
get an oscar
get 2 or 3 KOE they are beautiful and get real big..when they get too big ask the zoo if they want them...
Dragon Goby, any of the smaller Bichirs,
a pair of blood parrot cichlids =]
get some angels, they are Beautiful and in a 55 gallon you could have about 6. black angelfish are the most stunning in groups.
either 1 or 2 oscars or 1 or 2 jack dempsey chiclids.
if you dont want chiclids then i would go with tinfiol barbs or silver dollars or discus or angels.
get a Oscar or a Flower horn or some medium cichlid that you think fit your taste but it your decision what you really want.