Ok, so if yall read my question about my goldfish, then you know that it already lost an eye, well, it lost its other eye last night, so now its blind
Im afraid it won't be able to eat food because it lives with another larger goldfish, and he already had trouble eating food because the big one was a pig
Well, i have this 3 gallon tank with filter already with my betta fish in it, but i can move my betta back to its bowl, well, do you think moving the goldfish to a smaller tank so it will have a better chance of getting food, and i will be able to watch its condition better
He is about 2 1/2 inches long including its tail
Is 3 gallons to small?
Yes, it is too small. Goldfish have a life span of up to 20 years with the proper living arrangements.
A goldfish needs about two gallons of water per inch of fish. If he's 2.5 inches long, youre going to need at least a five gallon tank. Goldfish produce too much ammonia to be kept in a small tank and will cause the water to be unsafe.
Also, your fish lost his eye? Was it swollen before that? You may need to treat the tank for pop-eye or various other diseases. Although he may not look it, your other fish may be affected also.
no its a goldfish. i had a goldfish in something like that was a small bowl and it lived for like a year
Leave your betta where he is
As for the goldfish, get him at least a 10 gallon tank
Hope that helps
Good luck
Leave your betta where he is. 3 gallons is way to small for any goldfish. Your goldfish might only be 2.5" right now, but if he lives through this sickness then he'll be much larger! For right now he needs at least 10 gallons to himself, eventually moving up to 25 gallons. Are you treating the popeye? What are you using to treat him?
I'm sorry to say that you can't keep it in a small 3-gallon tank.
A Goldfish can grow between 6" to 1' in time that requires a 30-gallon tank.
For each additional Goldfish, you increase the tank size another 10-gallons.
A Goldfish creates too much waste in a tank that can cause your ammonia levels to go off the charts and that will result in not only possibly killing your other fish but constant tank cleanings.
You might as well just take a loss with the Goldfish. Sorry.
surely it can live in a three gallon for a week or even a month it will be fine and if its blind you might want start teaching it you eat from your hand if you want
its not necessary it can find food fine without eyes
No you can not keep a goldfish in a 3 gallon so leave your betta where it is and go get a 10 gallon from walmart for 30 bucks because it comes as a kit that way you dont have to buy that to