1. When you buy flourcence light for aquarium plants, should you focus more on the intesity, or on the "blue peak point"?
2. Can I keep Cardinal Tetras and Black Phantom Tetras with a Ph of 7.5, Gh of 5, and Kh of 5?
3. Can I keep Hemianthus callitrichoides ''Cuba'' or Utricularia graminifolia with low light of 0.8w/g with CO2, and reflector?
1. When buying a light for planted tanks you need to look at many variables. Look for a bulb that has high intensity, strong blue frequency output and strong red frequency output. If you can't find it all in one, i would say to focus more on the frequency and get as much intensity as you can. Another thing you can do is to use multiple bulbs to increase the total intensity.
2. I don't know for sure but i would think they'd be ok... your Gh and Kh should be higher but don't worry too much about it. Ph is good.
3. Both plants can live in low light conditions so yes .8 w/g is enough, but they will have stunted growth. Lack of efficient light will also mean a lower level of co2 absorbtion so make sure you are not injecting to much as this can kill your fish. To tie in question 1's answer using multiple bulbs will increase your w/g making the plants healthier and grow faster.
As a special note these plants have a top ph range of 7.5 so i would recomend reducing it slightly. Water softness may also be an issue with Utricularia graminifolia - it can handle soft water but not that soft (if you measured Gh in ppm - needs about 75ppm).
1st concentrate on "blue peak point "
2nd yes as they same family tetra ,bleeding heart.neon,black phantom, %26 silver
3rd i believe you can