Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2 puffers and 2 froggies??

ok for my friends birthday i wanna buy him 2 puffer fish (small sized) and 2 small water frogs. will they be ok together?
The Puffers will have frog legs for a snack. It is best to just take your friend to the store and let them pick out their fish. That way you don't risk that your fish will eat your friend's fish, or the other way around... Puffers are very aggressive and should really only be kept with their own species.
no, they arent compatable or live in the same water.
their are many species of puffers, most live in brackish to salt. Their are a few fully FW puffers but they are fin nippers and they will cause problems to the frog.
Frogs. again there are two common species of aquatic frogs, ADFs and ACFs. ACF for african claw frogs will get large around 6 inches and will eat fish.
ADFs are smaller, and will be fine in a community tank with tropical fish
These fishes will not work, but go with the ADFs as they are easier to care for than puffers.
nope the puffers will eat their little legs off. probably better off with just one puffer sometimes they ll fight each other. and they can do alot of damage with thier beaks.
no they will kill each other, bad idea
Why don't you get your friend something that's not alive and won't suffer? If he doesn't take care of the fish or whatever you buy him, they'll suffer and eventually die. I know someone whose friend got her a hampster for her birthday without asking. Now the hampster is sitting in the basement slinging poo and no one gives it the time of day. You probably should rethink getting your friend an animal.
I LUV FROGS!!!! GET HIM A FROG. THEY R SO CUTE!! I LUV FROGS but i agree with koala lover. dont get him a pet. i dont wanna hear about a hurt frog
If he is a first time aquatic animal owner, then buy him the 2 frogs. I`m assuming they are african dwarf frogs? The clawed frogs, the ones that are illegal in california, grow to the size of a softball and eat EVERYTHING! So the latter would require a 30 gallon tank to house 2 of them.
No, they won't be ok together. After a day or so, your friend will find your frog without legs.
Basically any tropical community freshwater fish can get along with small aquatic frogs. Not too many other fish will get along with puffers, except for other puffers.
Not to mention the feeding. Most puffers won't accept flake food, so they need live and maybe freeze dried. They occasionally (twice a month) need live shrimp or snails so that they can wear down their sharp teeth. But a small aquatic frog will eat any food that is placed in its tank. 2 small frogs are the best pet choice for your friend.
I would get him African dwarf frogs(clawed frogs get very large) or some community fish that are good for beginners like guppies or a betta.Puffers are for more experienced fish keepers and would die if you don't know what you are doing.