Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2 questions about my dwarf puffers?

can i fit 3 neon tetras and 2 dwarf puffers in a 10 gallon tank and how much a should i feed them, like is one bloodworm capsules to much?
dwarf puffers will eat the fins out of the neon tetras, what you should do is cut the capsule in half and feed it to the puffers, also buy freeze dried krill and they love that stuff.
Also look for small snails to feed them they love those.
dwarf puffers should be kept on there own they may be small but will nip fins and tail fins on any fish,
they will even attack bigger fish ,
regarding feeding them what were they fed when you bought them?
The Dwarf Puffers Will Make A Meal Out Of The Neon Tetras,And One Capsule Is To Much.Try Putting It In A Cup With Water,And Let It Defrost,And Give Them A Little Portion.
the snails will also keep thier beaks in check. their beaks can get to big if there not worn down by eating somthing crunchy.then they cant eat anything at all.