Wednesday, July 29, 2009

15 gallon fish tank with 60 gallon filter. bad or good?

15 gallon fish tank with 60 gallon filter. bad or good?
p.s. i have 2 goldfish. not planning to get a new tank anytime soon.
Over filtration is great, i always try to have 2:1 filtration minimum. Just watch out for the way the fish act in the current. If they are fighting it too much it can tire them out and will get sick.
If they are fighting:
Your filter probably has a flow adjustment on it and simply turn it back some.
Move the filter to one side as much as possible. This will allow one side to have slightly less current.
Do not run the filter constantly ( be vary carefull to not forget to turn it on.) This is not a long term solution but will work till you can get a smaller one. Try only after the above has failed.
Overfiltering is rarely a bad thing. It's only bad if the current causes your fish to have problems swimming, or you have small fish or babies that might get sucked up. Otherwise, overfiltering is good :)
much better than the other way around...should be no problem
4 to 1 filtration is good. just make sure it doesnt interfer with movement. Dispite what has been said, standard filtration, sponge and activatied charcoal, with keep the water clean without stripping the water of benifical bacteria. Get yourself some snails, best thing when it comes to keeping alge down, they make good glass cleaners too. You've got to be ably to see the fish to enjoy them.
goldfish aren't the best swimmers but if they don't seem to mind the current then you don't need to worry.
See if the fish are constantly fighting the current. If not , good. When you do monthly changes on the filter, cut a piece of the filter and put it in the new one to keep the bacteria going.
it's good but watch out for the current.
Its okay I would think but it might be moving too much water and "pushing" your fish around!!