Wednesday, July 29, 2009

10 Gallon Fish Tank help?

My fish just died in my ten gallon tank and im planning on re doing the whole tank but have a couple of questions... first what is a safe and efficent way to clean off the green alge and the white build up on the tank to make it look perfectly clear again? next is there any websites or if someone is good at designing i want to figure out a cool layout for my fish tank including what figures to use logs rocks filters what kind of fish... i want my aquarium to look awesome i just was looking for some help... any help would be awesome thanks a lot
Scrub out the tank with warm water and a clean cloth and use salt as a scouring powder. It will quickly remove the algae and most of the white build up. You can also use vinegar to help remove the white residue. Not all of the white along the top of a tank can be removed in all cases. If you have hard water, you may be seeing a bit of etching as well and if that is the case it can't be removed, but will not show badly at all once the tank is filled.
Try the link in my profile for some excellent advice and help with designing a beautiful tank. Some of the members of that forum have realy show tanks and would be more than happy to help you.
Vinegar will remove white build up and should help get rid of the algea. Use an aquarium scrub pad with vinegar to simultaneously clear out the algae and white calcim deposits. BUT BE SURE TO RINSE THOROUGHLY! AND DONT USE ANY SOAP!
Sorry to yell, lol... just want you to avoid any trouble :-)
I would use white vinegar and hot water to clear off the algae and build up.
As for the sites, check the links below