Will a fighting fish fight with fish , frogs , or turtles that you would put in a bowl ? I already know that they fight with other fighting fish so dont tell me that.
A betta (male or female) will fight with anything that resembles a betta (male or female.) That's the simplest rule to betta tankmates. So fish with long, colourful fins, like male guppies, often don't do well in betta tanks.
Other than that, bettas really make peaceful community fish as long as they have sufficient room to feel comfortable in a part of their own territory. African Dwarf Frogs are great tankmates for bettas. Fish tankmates include white mountain cloud minnows, various types of tetras, plecos, platys, corys and mollies.
Your betta MAY fight with its tankmate if you have a particularly aggressive betta. This is especially so if your tank isn't big enough, or if you are putting in the tankmates after the betta has been in the tank for awhile (he has already established his territory, and might not want anyone new in it.) Just watch out for any aggression and remove the betta if things go awry.
yes, they will fight with any type of organism that is around their size
i had 2 fighting fish in a fish bowl with a barrior in between. The more agressive one didn't live long.
off course he Will ! duh...
depends if there much bigger forget the fact of fighting smaller. uh i dun know and same i think they will fight and the fish is dead against the turtle but prolly not the frog
they will attack any other fish pretty much unless it is a huge fish and I'm not sure about a frog or turtle but I don't think it would be a good idea.
TYPICALLY they do ok, but every fish is different. i have had problems with my betas attacking non-beta fish but not frogs and snails and what not. i've heard of those that do get along with other non-beta fish but it might be a risk.
It depends on the personality of the fighting fish, The only thing that shold be in a bowl is a fighting fish, Frogs are tropical and require tropical water, And turtels dont go any were near bowls. You can acutually have alot of diffrent types of tropical fish in with a fighting fish (Obvously only in a tank ,10 gallons or above. Which would need a fiter and heater, I have 2 bettas which are both in community tanks with FEMALE guppies,platies,cory cats, and a pleco,
Everyone thinks that fighting fish fight with everything the come in contact with, But they dont, They only fight with mosty fish from there own type of fish,Like family. and other aggresive fish.
I dont suggest adding anything to the bowl with the betta as he may attack it in such small quarters.
~ GG
Bettas dont always fight with other fish/frogs, but please dont put any animal in a bowl. A betta can be housed with other fish in a filtered/heated tank only if it is above 3 gallons, and if it is alone, it can be kept in a 2.5 gallon