I have a 4" Pleco that lives in a 10 gallon tank with 4 small female guppies. He has an eye infection with a white film covering one eye and starting on the other. Also, I have had him for over a year and have never seen him eat and when I drop algae discs in the water they just end up sitting there until they dissolve. How do I a. Stop the infection he has now, and B. Prevent further ones, and C. I was thinking about getting some more fish, would this be over kill?
It definately sounds like cloudy eye but not ick
Here is some more info on it and treatment
Hope this info helps
Good luck
the white film you are talking about is called "ick". When it gets on the body it looks like cyrstals on the fins and stuff like that, when it gets on the eyes it will be a film and it will cover the body of the fish also. I have a red belly pacu that gets this film from time to time. I put tablets in there that I get from wal-mart. Hope this helps
yea some of my discus had this to. i agree with eb. but this is caused from poor water quality that all i know.