Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2 sunset gouramis died after becoming bloated. I think they ate the Betta food as it fell down from the Battas

My 2 Sunset gouramis died after becoming bloated. They seemed fine one day and then were dead the next with big swollen bellies. They liked to hang around underneath the betta tank attached to the side of my tank and they would eat the Betta food that fell out the bottom. I was wandering if this could be the reason they died coz all the other fish in the tank seem fine including other dwarf gouramis.
No, the betta food wouldn't do that. Most fish food is all the same, just may have different percentages of proteins and such that each fish requires. I'd say it was due to something else like water quality, or bacterial infection, or like mentioned parasites. Being as it was the 2 gouramis, and I'm guessing you bought them from the same place, I'd say it was something they had from the pet store/breeder.
sounds more like they had internal parasites in there belly the betta food would nt do that