Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2 gall. aquarium:what kind of fish?

I am thinking about getting a 2 gallon aquarium, but first I want to know what kind of fish should I put in there?
A betta but i highly recommend getting at least a 5 or 10gallon instead because these dont live long in a 1-3gallon tank only around 2years.
But if kept in bigger tanks like a 5gallon with proper filter, he'll be more active and will living up to 7-10years maybe more.
Dont no more then about four fish, start with something easy, like a fancy gold fish type, in till you get better and read books they do help a lot!
A betta.
You won't be able to fit much more. If you follow what has been a standard rule, you need a gallon of water per inch of fish. The average single guppy reaches 2.5 inches. So based on the rule, a 2 gallon tank would be too small for him.
Please don't try to put a golfish in the tank. Goldfish need more room than any other fish merely for the fact that they produce so much ammonia. Goldfish require 2 gallons of water per every inch of fish.
Bettas are really the only ones that are low maintenence and don't require alot of room, let alone a filter.
with no filter, and based on shear size, a betta and maybe a ghost shrimp or snail.
No other fish as 2 gallons isnt enough,
DUDE get a mini shark! i dont know what they are called exactly, but you can get them from theyre high maintaince but very interesting... and salt water.. they get along with other aggressive fish... put a sea anenome in there too!! and star fish! and coral!! that would be sweeeeet!
a fighting fish
A betta is the best choice for a small tank,if you get him a heater and filter he will be happy in there,you could also try an African dwarf frog but that is about it.
As the others have said, a Betta is the obvious choice. They can stay in a smaller aquarium and be content, other fish need more room. Also, other fish such as gold fish tend to make a tank messier, especially if it is only two gallons. In my opinion, when looking at freshwater fish, a Betta is one of the prettiest fish to look at. However, be careful, if you decided to have two of them, males will fight with each other. They have major territorial issues, so only put two females or a male and a female together.
Very small ones,and not very many. One Betta would probably survive more successfully than any other type, but there are some other possibilities, such as Endler's Live-bearers or Gambusia or Guppies. Only two or three of any of the live-bearers.
A two gallon aquarium is very difficult to maintain,requiring lots of attention to water quality and cleanliness,and overcoming the tendency of beginners to grossly overfeed their pets. The most common cause of failure of new aquariums (after incomplete cycling) is dirty water due to overfeeding.
If you must start with an aquarium this small,do a lot of research into setting up and cycling new tanks. With a small tank you only get one mistake and then all the fish die,there's no room for errors in a small tank.
I don't mean to discourage your endeavor, but a ten gallon tank is a much easier starting point.
Good luck,and do the homework.
better no fish at all. if you have an aquarium so small then better use it for dwarf shrimp
A betta with a couple shrimp or snails is the best idea. The minimum tank size for a betta is 2.5 gallons, but a 2 gallon is sufficient enough. DO NOT put a goldfish in there. They grow to over a foot long and they produce massive amounts of ammonia over time.
One betta. That tank is too teeny tiny for anything else. But, even with this, bettas must have a filter and a heater. All tropical fish must have a filter and heater. If you can't provide this, you can't have fish in there.
one male betta and that's all.
2 neon tetras or one betta fish. or maybe shrimp...