Sunday, August 2, 2009

Are there any turtle..?

that can be found at the average pet store and can live in a ten gallon aquarium?
No. Any turtle that's aquatic needs both enough water for swimming and a land area where they can get completely out of the water to bask. Federal law prevents the sale of any turtle with a shell length of less than 4 inches as a pet, so there simply isn't enough room to keep one. Map turtles would be the smallest as adults, and even these can reach 5" (males) to 10" (females) as adults. The more commonly found red eared sliders can get to 16" length.
Tortoises (only need dry area) get at least 9" and need a deep enough tank to be able to burrow.
Any of the juvenile semi aquatic turtles can live in a ten gallon for the first year, but eventually you would need a larger tank. The only turtle that is commonly available that can stay in one would be the musk turtle, which is pretty ugly IMO.