Sunday, August 2, 2009

Aquatic Plants! No CO2?

I was wondering if I can find any good aquatic plants out there that will not need any CO2 other than what naturally occurs. Will my fish make enoght CO2 to keep any plants happy? If there are any aquatic plants out there that need little CO2 then could someone give me some good examples.
I would like a medium growing carpet plant for my foreground. Something grassy would be great!
I would also like a good middle layer plant.
I would also like a tall background plant.
And lastly, a moss to attach to some drift wood.

Could someone also give me some good info on fert. for aquatic plants since i wont have a CO2 system?
Thanks so much for all answers!
A medium growinig grassy plant would be a Pygmy Chain Sword. Although they grow slower without CO2, they will grow. They reproduce by sending runners, which are light green in color. Cut off the runners when the baby plant is half the size of the mother plant.
A good middle layer plant would be assorted Anubias. They are the second hardiest plant that I know of.
A tall background plant would be the Vallisneria family. They grow fast, but prefer CO2. They can live without it, but won't grow as fast. They reproduce by runners as well.
Java Moss and Java Fern attach to driftwood in a flash. Connect it to a piece of driftwood with a rubber band, and it should root to it in a couple of weeks.
I find that any liquid plant fertilizer works for me. Leaf Zone and Hagen Plant Grow work the best, though.
You can easily build your own CO2 system for less than $5! Here is a great website for a DIY (Do It Yourself) CO2 System:
Anubias will grow in almost any situation. It will grow slowly and doesn't need special lighting. You can use it in the background or middle. If used in the background, larger plants will be better, or you can attach them to driftwood. This plant also doesn't need fertilizer or CO2, but either will not hurt it. Java fern and java moss are also great for carpeting, or for attaching to driftwood. Another great background plant is jungle valisneria.
I've got several hygro compact and they do GREAT in my very low light 55gal tank. These make excellent small plants to scatter around the bottom of the tank. They're low-lying, and very leafy. They do get kinda medium tall, eventually. They grow quite slow, and will gather a bit of alge.
I have yet to find any other plants to work in my lowlight tank. I'll watch to find out what everyone else says on that one. lol
Um, as far as other plants are concerned, Java moss would work wonders for a moss-type plant. There's lots of other different kinds of Javas out there, so pick your favorites!
Keep in mind how much light you've got in your tank. THAT is the deciding factor there.
depenging on where you live i could mail you a bag of this stuff i have (don't know the name) but it grows like a weed and forms runners really well. never needed to use CO2 and ferts, will do fine in literally any tank. just cover shipping.
and i agree with the plants 5speed suggests, especially the java moss, but would also like to suggest either broze or green wendtii, really good stuff. will grow anywhere and a mid level plant.